a young man

Can’t Grow a Beard? Here Are 5 Possible Reasons

It’s not easy growing a thicker beard, but it gets easier with time and patience. Special care and the use of some beard maintenance products can help. But some men can’t grow a beard at all. 

Here are some of the most common reasons some men struggle with beard growth—and what you can do to deal with this issue.

1. Genetics

The thickness of your beard is largely determined by your genetics. If your father and grandfather could grow a thick beard, you can expect to grow facial hair that’s just as thick.

Androgens like Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are responsible for developing men’s voices and facial hair. Your genetics will determine your hair’s sensitivity to DHT. To get an idea of whether your body has high levels of DHT, you can simply look at your father or uncles’ hair.

2. Age

Men experience a pattern of facial hair growth for the first 30 years of their life. If you’re still in your 20s or teens, be patient as your beard will continue to get thicker as you age. If you’re over 30 and you still can’t grow a decent length of beard, several other factors are probably at play.

3. Ethnicity

There are several reasons why facial hair in certain areas is thicker than others, but the most common cause seems to be ethnicity. People from Mediterranean countries seem to have a higher chance of growing thick beards than those from other regions.

A 2016 study found that Chinese men generally have less facial hair growth than other ethnicities, including Caucasian men. The facial hair of Chinese men tends to grow only around the mouth while Caucasian men are likely to have more hair on their chin, neck and cheeks.

4. Alopecia areata

If you would describe your beard as patchy, it could be more than genetics. It could be caused by a health condition or simply that your beard follicles are outnumbered. Either way, you may want to consider visiting a doctor to get tested for alopecia areata before making any decisions.

Alopecia areata is a condition that causes hair loss to occur in patches. The cause of hair loss can be narrowed down to either the immune system or genetic factors. It is an autoimmune disorder, and current research does not have a specific answer for why the condition occurs.

To date, there’s no cure for alopecia areata. Still, your doctor can recommend several options to manage the hair loss symptoms. These options can include topical immunotherapy and the use of corticosteroid creams.

4. Diet

If you eat only fast food or processed meals, your body will have a lot more trouble running efficiently. And that can affect your facial hair growth as well as your skin health. Eating clean with specific nutrients will allow for a positive change in these facets of your body.

Lots of people have been trying out a new diet over the last few years, like the paleo diet or veganism. This may be healthy for your body, but it’s also really important to consider what changes your hair will undergo while going through this. 

The best food items for beard growth are nuts, potatoes, oranges, spinach and kale. You can also consider taking supplements rich in Biotin, Inositol and Vitamins B5, C and E. These foods and supplements can help promote hair growth.

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