About Us

The Thirteen Culture Story

Established early 2015, Thirteen Culture was born from my fascination with beard culture and grooming. I have my own vast collection of oils and balms, after attempting to grow a beard many times before I achieved the glorious face forest I sport now, I learned the importance of caring for your beard and skin underneath. After much research into the science of hair and skin care, I endeavoured to perfect my own product using the finest ingredients and oils. I also wanted to create a scent that was warm and woody promoting masculinity.

Thirteen culture now aspires to curate a line of top Australian products that reflects all things men, Australian culture and more!

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Thirteen Culture® Beard Oil & Balms

Thirteen Culture Beard Oils and Beard Balms delivers premium quality products, using a unique blend of rich, rare, supreme oils, specially formulated to attain the best potency.

We Deal With Varieties of Beard Nourishing Products!